Electronic document signature
In order to allow for the publishing of electronically signed documents with a high security level, CiiS designed and built an application allowing for the implementation of a centralized architecture allowing for adding electronic signatures to documents of the PDF kind or to any other binary flows.
These electronic signature processes are based upon Level-4 digital certificates allowing for the use of that type of solution within the context of granting the use of electronic invoices.
Built as such, this application is also equipped with indexing and secured archiving functions.
Finally, an extranet module allows for an external third party to submit an electronic document in view of ensuring its authenticity.
Complying with the list related to the documentation of the specific software applications as contained in Article 55 of the French Official Tax Bulletin 13 L-1-06 dated January 24th 2006, CiiS provides this type of application along with the following documents:
- Solution Definition Manual;
- Functional Specification Manual;
- Technical Specification Manual;
- User Manual.